looking over my blog, I notice a distinct lack of wordage and opinion, I was then shocked to find that wordage is a real word. So I thought, its about time I added my views on art and life to the world of fact-less opinion floating around the interwebz.
So here we go with my wondering for the day;
why is it that telling people that I am a textiles student still gets such an uncomfortable responses? Well that or a knowing look and nod, followed by"Oh.....a textiles student."
Right so just to set the record straight (sorry for the pun), textiles student is not a euphemism, I am in-fact straight but I also didn't just take this course to hit on women, although there are worse things than being in a class with 30 women... but that isn't the point. thirdly I don't study fashion or have any idea how to make or design clothes. There is far more to my chosen subject than fashion and i don't just mean curtains!
To conclude I like textiles as a medium it suits how I work. Textiles and fashion are different and if you ask stupid questions you will get stupid answers. Thank you and good night
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