Friday, January 21, 2011


My year group was recently set a repeat pattern project, for which we took part in an intensive drawing workshop. We were all asking to bring in objects (mine was the skateboard) and we were asked to draw then, taking into account perspective and scale.

These drawing then formed the base of our repeat patterns. This turned out to be far harder than I had anticipated, and took me the best part of a week to finish my drawings and transfer onto drafting film. (I also went through more pens than I can remember.)

The printing its self was really quite easy, when compared to the rest of the process, plus working on the scale was so much fun.

I was really shocked by how much I enjoyed this whole process but now looking back I'm not sure why, this way of working all very similar to the techniques used in the street art and illustration I have grown up with and I think that is might be something very interesting to play with, Textiles/street art, repeating textiles designs that are wheat pasted on walls? street art that is printed on fabric? (but no like those shitty Banksy canvas prints you see everywhere.)

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