Friday, October 29, 2010

Projection 2

With my slides in hand and Iouka's projector in its leather bound box I set off to start my projection. It was at this point I realised I hadn't got a clue what I was doing or how to go about doing it, so I did what any normal person would do in this situation and freaked out...

Once I calmed down I covered myself by writing a piece in my reflective journal about the nature of trial and error and that by just trying this Idea I had succeeded regardless of what the outcome was like, and then set about finding someone to save my sorry ass and luckily for me Mr. David Sermon was around, and with his help stuff started to happen.

So after an hours of tidying up and blacking out windows, we were left with a workable space and I "got my projection on" as it were.

Blown up my slides did look pretty good and what was really interesting was the grain of the images, as there had been lazer printed onto acetate the was a very noticeable line running through them. It was almost as if they had been woven... hows that was poetic? The image that is not my crappy sentence.

I've had people tell me these look like all sorts of things from animal skin to boiled sweets, I personally don't really no they remind me of but I don't think that matters, what's far more important to me is that they have sparked discussion and interest. For me as an "Artist" that has always been the important thing, it doesn't matters what meaning I put behind them because an audience will always make up its own minds and I'm quite happy to just make something that makes people excited and want to think for themselves and if I can do this with photos of knitting and a slide projector then all the better.

So enjoy, I had a great time making them and please tell me what you think!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


One of the things I have really wanted to do for a while is set up some sort of projection/ installation piece and I was lucky enough to be given the chance to try one of my ideas out.

The only problem was I only had a day and a half to short it out. Luckily for me my house mate and good friend Josh Worrall aka Iouka has a slide projector, slide cases and has worked out a really easy way to make his own. So armed to the teeth with projection gear, I set about making my first slides.

These are the images I put on my slides, and yeah I am aware they are all slightly different sizes but as the slide case I was using had a rectangular window it really didn't matter. once I had my images all nicely set out in photoshop I simply printed them onto acetate, cut them out and placed they in the slide cases.

Before I set up my piece I thought it would be a good idea to try out the slide. I would have hated to get everything all set up and then find out they would burn out or wouldn't focus etc.

So here we have a couple of examples of my slides in action and I think they look pretty cool, though I think they will need something more added to them to complete the piece, maybe something layered over the top of them or multiple images project over the top of each other or in a sequence. I would also love to get a more modern slide project that I could load my slides in and maybe have them on some sort of timer so they could be played in sequence

Friday, October 22, 2010

Weave light

I got my first couple of weave samples off the loom so I thought I would put them up see what they looked like, turns out they let the prefect amount of light threw, don't you just love it when a plan comes together.

Of course these were just taken quickly, I didn't even iron them before I put them up but still I don't think they look half bad. They just need to be longer!... which will mean spending a lot more time weaving, so back to the loom it is!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I did me a weaving

So by now you may have noticed that I am a knitter, and knit is of course truly awesome but when I got the change to try my hand at tubular weaving I wasn't about to pass it up . Tubular weaving is at base quite a simple idea, it is just a pretty basic double cloth that is only linked at the side of the piece, creating a tube.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Street Photography with the Sermon

So me and the beautiful David Sermon decided to go for a lovely walk in the middle of the night to take some photographs. This turned out to be one the best ideas we have had in a while. It was great to get back outside and start shooting again. although I have to say at first I was a little nervous being out with me camera in the middle of the night, it brought back lots of memories of my teens and being out shooting skate films, somewhere I really shouldn't have been with a few hundred pounds worth of filming gear strapped to my back, but after the fear eased I started to get some great shots.

These images bring together very well my ideas on decay and light which is brilliant really and I think I'm going to manipulate them fever to see what will happen.

Right so I guess after reading all this you really just want to see some of the shots, so here you go. oh yeah and don't forget that if you do want to see more of my photography you can always check out my flickr.


I was sat thinking about what my inspiration for my upcoming work would be and it finally dawned on me, on the one thing that keeps appearing in my photography is the decay and erosion of man made things. I also recently bought a copy of Beauty in Decay" which is an amazing book and well worth a read if you ever get the change.

So I thought it might be nice to post of a few of the images that have been inspiring me. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Knitted Light 2

This was my first attempt at a knitted light sculpture that is free standing and on the whole I think it was quite successful. it might not to be most prefect piece of knitting I have ever made but I think it looks rather interesting and with a bit more work it could be a thing of great beauty. Oh yeah and it didn't catch fire so that is also a plus, energy saving light bulbs are the way forward.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Jam sandwich 4

While taking a break from knitting like crazy I decided it was high time I put another jam sandwich in something and this time I chose to sandwich my record player! Yeah, keeping the old school theme going.

I have to apologise for the quality of these photos, they really aren't as good as I hoped but they will do for now. Oh yeah and there will also be a video coming soon so you can see awesomeness that is vinyl sandwich!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

concept light drawing and finally finding something to inspire them

Right so here are a few of my ideas for the lights I'm going to be making. To make them I'm going to tube knitting them on machine mostly to save time as them are going to be quite big. All of these are ideas for hung lights, which will ever contain LEDs or be hung over energy saving light so they don't over heat.

this second two designs are based on my photographs and drawing of road marking and signs for earlier in the year and this seem like a really good place to get inspiration for these.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dominic Wilcox, what a legend

After extensive research (will after some research) I stumbled back onto Dominc Wilcox's blog. Dominc Wilcox is a product designs and makes some of the most insane and brilliant things I have ever seen. One of the main things that he is interested in is light, which is rather helpful for me, so here are just a couple of example of light fixture he has made.

admittedly they are not knitting but I love the idea of being about to make a light fixture out of anything.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Gjon Mili and Pablo Picasso; you saved my

Right so for my work with light I have found it difficult to find away of drawing that is in keeping and beneficial to my work but also interesting. This all changed when I found an article from Life magazine about Mili and Picasso light drawings from the late 1940s